Vienna Business District South (Austria)

Started in 2012 as Standpunkt Liesing

Supports around
750 companies

Area of
240 hectares

Over 100 measures to conserve resources


In Austria, the Vienna Business District South is one of Austria largest single business districts with more than 700 companies from a wide range of sectors. Vienna Business District South is already frontrunner in aspects such as installing PV, testing smart meters or rolling out E-mobility. Automatisation, storage and collective self-consumption provide opportunities for Vienna Business District South to widen its market portfolio by connecting present and future industry customers. Also Vienna Business District South wants to understand the attractiveness of integrated services to customers and test new business opportunities and services. This is also part of a wider company initiative that aims to provide service, innovation and sustainability to the whole Industry quarter.

The activities of the Vienna Business District South aim to actively shape the development of the business areas in Vienna, to make them more attractive and to ensure that their development is tailored to the requirements of business developments. Therefore, VBD South acts in cooperation with the project partners Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Vienna Business Agency and the district planning and zoning department as an interface between the companies in the business areas of the 10th, 12th, 14th and 23rd districts and the district policy. The Vienna Business District management acts in the south of Vienna as a central hub for cooperation strengthening, information and consulting services as well as innovation development. In addition, the entrepreneurial use of resource-saving technologies, such as the installation of photovoltaic systems, is promoted and supported. For this cause, the Vienna Business District South connects companies and finds synergies.